All images copyrighted


Want to help?

I would like to ask help from everyone in supplying info about these images, as many of them I do not know who is in the photo, or where or when it was taking. If you have any information to share please use the contact button to send it to me and let me know which image you are talking about.

In addition if you have something you'd like to contribute, feel free to drop me an e-mail and I will let you know what I need from you. Please do not send me scanned photos.

Want copies of the photos?

If you would like to get copies of these photos you can also e-mail. I can either provide you with photo quality glossy ink jet prints in (very limited quanities) - which have an archival life of 25 years - or, if you are interested in many photos, we can make arrangements to get you a CD with the high resolution scans, which you can take to most better photo developers (probably not Wal-mart or Target) and get them turned into photos. I can also e-mail you low resolution copies suitable for printing from standard home computers.

  Note: All of the photographs and artwork on the pages in this site are copyrighted, and may not be used without permission. To inquire about the use of any of these images, please contact me.